Flight School Customer Service
Phone: (434)582-3060
Our customers have access to late-model Cessna airplanes equipped with some of the latest avionics and auto-pilot systems at very competitive prices. Rental pilots with at least a private pilot certificate have access to these same aircraft, after completing a simple aircraft checkout and local area orientation flight.
Discovery Introductory Flight - $210
Your introductory to flight will include roughly 45 minutes of flight time in a Cessna 172. You will be paired with an instructor who will first cover the basics of flight and how the airplane works with you on the ground, this will take about 15 minutes. You will then sit left seat (pilot-in-command seat) and control the airplane from your very first flight! You will receive a complimentary logbook with your flight time noted so that if you do plan on moving forward with flight training, the introductory flight time will count towards your flight training hours.
Great gift idea! Gift certificates are available, flights can be scheduled later and are valid for 1 year from date of purchase.
scroll over images to see the cockpit
Cessna C-172S with G1000 ($175/hr.)